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EOS Newsroom

EOS Magazine

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Mlada žena na svom mobilnom telefonu pored člana EOS tima sa slušalicama, dok se dvije žene razgovaraju.

Plain language: Improving communication with consumers

3 min.
Plain language helps companies and consumers alike. In this interview, an expert in the field explains why that is so and why it is especially important in the debt collection segment.
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Poštena naplata duga: sredovečni muški dužnik u sakou maslinaste boje zabrinuto gleda kroz prozor.

Fair debt collection: The person behind the debt.

4 min.
The central question in responsible debt collection is: How do we handle defaulting consumers? As EOS demonstrates, there is more than one good answer to this question.
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Marwin Ramcke, izvršni direktor, stoji u svijetloj prostoriji u plavom odijelu i s desnom rukom u džepu hlača.

Interview: EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year

7 min.
The EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year: How business has developed in the regions, why sustainability remains a key focus area, and how EOS is optimally prepared for the future.
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 A graphic shows several people communicating with each other through email, conversations, and letters.

How EOS makes debt collection responsible and fair.

3 min.
EOS stands for fair and respectful receivables management. The debt collection company accomplishes this with technology that simplifies processes for consumers and with trained staff.
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Financial literacy: Learning at an early age about how to handle money properly can protect people from excessive debt later on.

Financial literacy: How EOS is committed to improving financial skills.

4 min.
A lack of financial education can accelerate the path to excessive personal debt, especially among young people. With its debt collection expertise, EOS supports financial literacy programs that aim to counter such developments.
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Annual and Sustainability Report 2023/24

Very good results in challenging times: In its 50th anniversary year, the EOS Group looks back on a demanding and successful financial year 2023/24. All key figures, business highlights and exciting throwbacks to 50 years of EOS as well as achievements and highlights of the EOS Group's commitment to its social, societal and environmental responsibility can be found in this year's annual and sustainability report.
Read the whole report

Kontakt za EOS u Bosni i Hercegovini

coat, coating, jacket

Marko Šiniković

Head of Marketing and Communications Department

EOS MATRIX Bosnia and Herzegovina

Trg solidarnosti 2A

71000 Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Phone: + 387 33 569 259

Mobile: + 387 63 006 055